World Cities Geography 2060

World Cities Geography 2060. A Critical Film Analysis: Assignment #3

30% of final grade  due in class: December 8th. *Must be submitted in hard copy. Typed, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, in 12 pt,

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Times New Roman font.  Length: 1000-1300 words (not including charts, figures, maps etc)

Select one film from the list below and critically review the portrayal of the city(ies). Your review should focus on the

city as it relates to one or two course themes and you are expected to situate the events of the film within their

respective geographical and historical context. In addition, you are expected to provide supplementary data on the

chosen city based on journal articles, course texts and news media articles. This assignment is a critical interpretation of

how the concepts we have discussed are reflected/treated in the film. Do not summarize the plot or focus on acting,

cinematography or character development. Instead, prepare a paper discussing how it contributes to your understanding

of one of the course themes, focus on developing an argument that situates the events of the movie within their

geographical context.

Assignment Requirements:  Write your thesis statement in bold under your title  Have a clear thesis statement and lines of exploration (in the introduction)  Your analysis must demonstrate critical thought and involve a critical commentary  Source and provide support from at least 3 academic sources other than the film. If you integrate quotations, use only those that are most compelling and limit yourself to 2 quotations per page. The majority of your

work should be written in prose by you. Points without explicit reference can only earn max grade of ‘C.’ Provide all bibliography ( book: publishment date, page, author, title etc ; website: address, author, year,

date etc ) . At ‘ work cited ‘ section, Show sources of ALL citations. Can use any referencing style.

Brainstorming Ideas:  How is/are the city(ies) characterized in the film? Is this an accurate portrayal? Does this reflect reality?

(Please rely on academic sources and data to support your case).  What important urban geographical issues have been brought up in the film? For example: for example, if the

film shows urban poverty, then how is this portrayed? Is is it realistic? Why or why not? (Use data to

support you answer)  Who is being represented? Who is missing? What effects (think: discourse, ideology) might this portrayal

have on the audience(s)?

Examples of Course Themes:

  1. Segregation ( Spatial, Race/Ethnic/Class, religious) i.e. gentrification, enclaves etc. ex: apartheid in South

Africa,Johannesburg,colour coded Class hierarchies ;

2.Migration and Mixing (Ex: from rural to urban, races ; Europe )

  1. Social, Environmental Political problems in urban areas ( emissions in china, conflict, transport, migration policies,

housing, over-urbanization) ex: urban problems in LDCs

4.Economic inequality- financial booms, luxurious living and underbellies (ex: cinderella cities VS slums in mumbai;

China; Africa & colonism; Latin America, Haiti)


Born into Brothels

Cities on Speed- Cairo

Cities on Speed- Shanghai

City of God (Rio De Janeiro)

City of Life (Dubai)

Crash (Los Angelos)

Dirty Pretty Things (London)

Gomorrah (Naples)

Paris Je T’aime (Paris)

Radiant City (Suburban North America)

Salaam Bombay

Slumdog Millionnaire (Mumbai)

Slums: Cities of tomorrow

The Quake (Haiti) Find here:

Welcome to Lagos (BBC doc.)

Grading Rubric

Thesis Statement and Lines of Exploration …………………………………………………… /5

Analysis, Critical Thought, Connection to Course Themes..…………………………………. /15

Writing Clarity …………………………………………………………………………………. /10

Total……………………………………………………………………………………………… /30

80-89%= Demonstrates excellent gathering of “evidence” and description of “data,” plus

a strong interpretive analysis that explicitly draws on at least 5 academic sources to shape

discussion (citing author and title in the text). Skilled critical analysis and precise

argument; meaningfully incorporates vocabulary and concepts relevant to the

course. Sophisticated writing and composition; few errors in grammar, spelling. Original

insights, sharp critical thinking, creative application and synthesis of course concepts.


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