Renewable Energy Technologies – Systems and Storage

Renewable Energy Technologies – Systems and Storage

This assignment accounts for 100% of the mark for the Renewable Energy Technologies – Systems Module for the MSc courses in Renewable Energy Technology, Energy Systems and Thermal Processes, Materials for Energy Systems and Energy Supply for Low Carbon Futures.

The student is asked, based on the content of the lectures and further literature reading (appropriately referenced), to produce a comprehensive study describing the development of a renewable energy system by evaluation the applicability of one appropriate energy storage technology. Review of national reports and frameworks will be considered a plus. The study should take into account both technical and nontechnical aspects.
It is suggested that the student chooses as location a country in one of the following regions: Europe, North Africa, America, China and India.
In his/her study the student should describe the rationale for the choice of location, energy resources and energy storage technology. This will require reviewing the energy demand of the selected country over the last and next decade and any attempts to move towards an increased use of renewables, as well as regional (e.g., European, American etc) and country-specific targets and legislation, by drawing on relevant documentation. The student needs to justify his/her selection by including reference to resource maps and any financial aids provided for specific technologies for the specific location.
The report should have length of between 2000-3000 words. It is suggested that the report follows the structure suggested below and considers an appropriate referencing scheme:

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Suggested structure of the report

  1. Introduction (~200-300 words)
    2. Identification of Location (~1000 words)
    a. Description
    b. Short overview of existing installations (include references)
    c. Available data and data sources (include references)
    d. National Framework for renewable and sustainable energy development
    3. Technological assessment (~1000 words)
    a. Select and describe a suitable energy storage technology
    b. Consider the installation of the energy storage technology selected
    c. Evaluate the suitability of the energy storage technology selected considering also factors such as environmental impact, economic factors (i.e. subsidies etc) and risks (e.g., technology readiness level, impact on the grid, etc)
    5. Conclusions (~200 words)

Marking Scheme:
Introduction/General Context/Presentation: The student should show his/her understanding of the global context of renewables and need for a resilient energy system. Overall presentation and key references. [20% of final mark]

Location context: The student should provide justification for the choice of the location. An overall presentation of the renewable energy installations and the renewable energy resources is appreciated. Sources and presentation of data is also important. [30% of final mark]

Technological assessment: Points will be given for the adequately justified selection of a specific type of energy storage technology. Here students are expected to discuss contextual factors such as environmental impact, financial incentives and incurring risks from the selection of specific energy storage solutions taking into account the local context. [30% of final mark]
Conclusions/References/Overall effort and understanding. Conclusions should be clear recommendations and references should include national reports and peer reviewed journal papers. [20% of final mark]

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