PSY360 WEEK 3 QUIZ When we cannot retrieve information from memory, we say that _____ has occurred.

  1. forgetting
  2. a money trace
  3. sensory decay
  4. encoding failure
  5. secondary memory
  6. Unattended information is stored briefly in:
  7. sensory memory
  8. short-term memory
  9. long-term memory
  10. working memory
  11. secondary memory
  12. The central executive in working memory is hypothesized to have the function of:
  13. directing the flow of information
  14. controlling an unlimited amount of resources and capacity
  15. carrying out subvocal rehearsal to maintain verbal material in memory
  16. maintaining visual material in memory through visualization
  17. storing the meaning of complex verbal material
  18. Words from the beginning of a list are more likely to be recalled than words from the middle of the list. This phenomenon is known as the _____ effect.
  19. recency
  20. primacy
  21. forgetting
  22. interference
  23. memory trace
  24. One basic physiological mechanism for learning is the ____ rule, which states that if a synapse between two neurons is repeatedly activated at about the same time the postsynaptic neuron fires, the chemistry of the synapse changes.
  25. Carlson
  26. Hebb
  27. Baddeley
  28. Tulving
  29. icon
  30. The term “anterograde amnesia” refers to:
  31. the loss of the ability to form new memories
  32. the loss of the ability to recall old events
  33. the loss of short-term memory
  34. the loss of sensory memory
  35. the loss of all memory ability
  36. The _____ component of working memory is thought to be a temporary storage system that interacts with long-term memory and the other components of working memory to facilitate the transfer of information to long-term memory.
  37. episodic buffer
  38. visuospatial sketchpad
  39. central executive
  40. phonological loop
  41. semantic buffer
  42. Sensory memories exist for every sensory modality.
  43. True
  44. False
  45. Psychologists believe that the capacity of long-term memory is:
  46. unlimited
  47. 7 + 2 items
  48. 18 items
  49. 5000 items
  50. 50,000 items
  51. The code in long-term memory is based on:
  52. sound
  53. visual imagery
  54. meaning
  55. both sound and visual imagery
  56. both sound and meaning
  57. Ebbinghaus’s forgetting curve demonstrates that:
  58. forgetting is rapid at first and then levels off
  59. forgetting is slow at first and then speeds up
  60. forgetting occurs at a steady pace, beginning immediately after learning
  61. no forgetting occurs until 24 hours after learning
  62. forgetting reaches a peak about 3 days after learning
  63. Proactive interference refers to the fact that:
  64. new material can disrupt the recall of previously learned material
  65. previously learned material can disrupt the learning of new material
  66. the passage of time leads to memory decay
  67. active interference can strengthen a memory trace
  68. memories can become stronger over time
  69. According to the retrieval cue explanation of interference, you are more likely to forget where you parked your car in a lot where:
  70. you have never parked before
  71. you have always parked in the same place
  72. you have parked frequently, but in many different spaces
  73. you parked a year ago, but not more recently
  74. you parked yesterday
  75. “Cramming” for exams tends to be ineffective because of the:
  76. chunking effect
  77. spacing effect
  78. state-dependence effect
  79. context effect
  80. encoding specificity effect
  81. Your memory of your first college lecture would be an example of:

Studies of flashbulb memory indicate that

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  1. stronger emotional responses to an event are associated with less detailed memories
  2. more retellings of the event are associated with more accurate memories
  3. flashbulb memories are no more accurate than memories for more mundane life events
  4. people are less confident in the accuracy of flashbulb memories than they are about more ordinary memories
  5. flashbulb memories are only created for positive emotional events
  6. Studies of eyewitness memory:
  7. support Bartlett’s idea of memory as a constructive process
  8. reveal surprisingly accurate memories of stressful events
  9. suggest that confidence is an important attribute of an accurate witness
  10. show that witnesses are remarkably resistant to misleading information
  11. help us to understand why eyewitnesses almost never make mistakes
  12. Using the Deese/Roediger-McDermott paradigm, researchers have shown that 80% of participants remember words on a list that were not actually included.
  13. True
  14. False
  15. In Reber’s studies of nonanalytic concept formation in which participants attempted to learn to categorize letter strings derived from complex “grammars,”
  16. participants who learned letter strings that followed the grammar made fewer errors than control participants learning random strings
  17. participants who were told that the letter strings followed complex rules performed better than did those participants who did not know this
  18. the best performance came from participants who successfully figured out the rule for generating the letter strings
  19. memorizing exemplars was an ineffective strategy in category learning
  20. performance never rose above chance level for any participants
  21. The schema view of concept formation assumes that:
  22. there are clear boundaries among individual schemata
  23. there is cognitive economy among concepts
  24. information is abstracted across instances
  25. no information is stored about actual instances
  26. schemata contain characteristics of categories, but no information about how categories are related to each other
  27. You might have a “script” for:
  28. what a classroom looks like
  29. what a “pet” is
  30. what a “cat” is
  31. what happens when you go to the barber/hairstylist
  32. what rap music sounds like
  33. If information from a story is presented in scrambled order,
  34. people actually recall it better than if it had been presented in proper order, because they pay more attention to it
  35. people recall just as much information as if it had been presented in proper order
  36. people tend to recall it in the scripted order
  37. people cannot recall any of the details of the story
  38. we cannot predict how much will be recalled, or in what order
  39. “Apple,” “piano,” and “table” are examples of basic-level categories.
  40. True
  41. False
  42. Properties and facts are stored at the highest level possible, according to the principle of:
  43. encoding specificity
  44. connectionism
  45. cognitive economy
  46. typicality
  47. lexical destiny
  48. Conrad has found evidence that the statement “A shark can move” can be verified in the same amount of time as “An animal can move.” These results suggest that reaction time is best predicted by:
  49. cognitive economy
  50. frequency of association
  51. encoding specificity
  52. episodic memory
  53. typicality
  54. The word superiority effect is related to the idea of:
  55. cognitive economy
  56. schemata
  57. typicality
  58. spreading activation
  59. prototypes
  60. ACT models distinguish among three types of memory systems:
  61. working memory, episodic memory, and declarative memory
  62. semantic memory, episodic memory, and procedural memory
  63. procedural memory, declarative memory, and semantic memory
  64. working memory, declarative memory, and procedural memory
  65. semantic memory, episodic memory, and concept memory
  66. Which of the following is FALSE regarding a connectionist training “epoch”?
  67. It begins by generating a random output.
  68. Connection weights are initially set at random levels.
  69. Generated output patterns are compared with target patterns.
  70. Back propagation occurs over many trials.
  71. Connection weights are adjusted before the next target is input.

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