MBA 5501 Unit I Case Study

MBA 5501 Unit I Case Study

Case studies are an important learning strategy in business classes as they provide an opportunity for you to analyze real-life events that have occurred in
business and industry. You will examine situations that managers have dealt with in a variety of situations, applying theoretical concepts from the textbook
and researching supplemental information that will aid you in responding to the questions. Typically, this will chart the way for a managerial response
involving changing the business or corporate strategy.

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Deliverable for each case study: Respond to each of the questions following the case studies in the book using both theory as well as practical managerial
thinking. Support should include not only the textbook but supplemental sources as well. The use of correctly formatted in-text citations and a minimum of
three sources that are no more than five years old are required (one of which may be your textbook). Locate the reference page at the end of your case study
analysis. Length should be minimally 400 words.

Case Study Options for Unit I
Evaluate Cisco on page 57 of the textbook. Respond to each of the questions using theory as well as practical managerial thought with a minimum of 400 words.
In order to support your academic writing, remember to use correctly formatted intext citations within your responses and a minimum of three sources included
on the reference page.


Evaluate Nike on page 29 of the textbook. Respond to each of the questions using theory as well as practical managerial thought with a minimum of 400 words.
In order to support your academic writing, remember to use correctly formatted intext citations within your responses and a minimum of three sources included
on the reference page.


Evaluate Microsoft on page 93 of the textbook. Respond to each of the questions using theory as well as practical managerial thought with a minimum of 400
words. In order to support your academic writing, remember to use correctly formatted in-text citations within your responses and a minimum of three sources
included on the reference page.


Evaluate Walmart on page 94 of the textbook. Respond to each of the questions using theory as well as practical managerial thought with a minimum of 400
words. In order to support your academic writing, remember to use correctly formatted in-text citations within your responses and a minimum of three sources
included on the reference page.

1 . Evaluate Walmart’s new marketing campaign and tagline. Did the company make the right decision to drop “Always Low Prices. Always.” as a tagline? Why or
why not?

2. Walmart does very well when the economy turns sour. How can it protect itself when the economy is on the rise? Explain.

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