ETHNOGRAPHY PROJECT REPORT: PARTICIPATING AND OBSERVING “But if one observes, one will see that the body has its own intelligence; it requires a great deal of intelligence to observe the intelligence of the body.” Jiddu Krishna murti.
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Write My Essay For MeThe purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with participant observation, the hallmark method of cultural anthropology, as well as with the collection and organization of field notes. The data you collect for this fieldwork report will be used later in the semester to write an ethnography essay where your observations will back up a research question or argument that you will propose.
Part 1: Participating, Observing, and Taking Field note
s. This is what you need to do for the observation part of this assignment: Go to a space where a large group of people usually interact at a busy time of day. This may be a food court or cafeteria during lunchtime, a favorite bar or restaurant of yours where you know people congregate to watch a game or socialize, your office lounge during break, your local farmer’s market, the mall on a weekend afternoon, or your church social after service, to name a few options.
Take paper and pen with you and observe the comings and goings of the people in the crowd for about an hour or so while taking notes of what takes place as you observe. You are an ethnographer and as such you will need to record the ETHNOGRAPHY PROJECTREPORT: PARTICIPATING AND OBSERVING “But if one observes, one will see that the body has its own intelligence; it requires a great deal of intelligence to observe the intelligence of the body.” JidduKrishnamurti The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with participant observation, the hallmark method of cultural anthropology, as well as with the collection and organization of field notes.
The data you collect for this fieldwork report will be used laterin the semesterto writean ethnography essay where your observations will back up a research question or argument that you will propose. Part 1: Participating, Observing, andTaking Fieldnotes.
This is what you need to do for the observation part of this assignment: Go to a space where a large group of people usually interact at a busy time of day. This may be a food court or cafeteria during lunchtime, a favorite bar or restaurant of yours where you know people congregate to watch a game or socialize, your office lounge during break, your local farmer’s market, the mall on a weekend afternoon, or your church social after service, to name a few options. Take paper and pen with you and observe the comings and goings of the people in the crowd for about an hour or so while taking notes of what takes place as you observe. You are an ethnographer and as such you will need to record the How are people acting in terms of personal touch?
That is, is anyone holding hands? Are people standing stiffly apart? Are they maybe touching each other on the arm to call attention to something? How are people gesturing with their hands? Finally, note if people seem happy, sad, angry, anxious, or any other emotion you might observe. 3. Notes on Reflexivity: Lastly, I will want you to exercise reflexivity by including your own background and reactions to the situation you observed.
That is, think of your role in the crowd, how do you fit into the demographics of those who are there? Do you feel out of place? Comfortable? Why? Go home while your experience and impressions are still fresh in your mind and sit down and write a brief report of what you saw and how you participated in this space you described, following the instructions on Part 2 below.
Part 2: Writing a Fieldwork Report.
Anthropologist Nicholas Wolfinger has stated that all field notes, or notes taken while participating and observing in the field, fall into three categories: systematic notes, chronological notes, and notes of the unexpected. When reporting on your experience in the field I would like you to use all three of these descriptive categories as follows
:1. Begin your report by systematically telling me everything about the space you observed. This may include who was there, what they were doing, who they were talking to, the objects around them, the size and shape of the space, etc. 2.Continue your report by providing me with a chronological record of what took place, from the beginning to the end of the time you were there, and in what order. 3.End your report by telling me if there was anything unexpected or surprising in your observations. That is, if there was any behavior or persons that you did not expect in the space you chose to study. As you fill out your report in the three categories above don’t forget to include all of the data you noted on social groups, kinesics, and reflexivityfrom Part 1 of this project.
I would like your report to show me that you were there. In other words, agood reportwill include some of the nuances and details of a situation that would be very hard to get to with a simple description of the facts. Report Conclusion for Ethnography Paper:Lastbut not least, please conclude your fieldwork report with a few sentences statingwhat you think would be a good topic for theEthnography Paperyou will write at the end of this course.
In this paper you will take the data you gathered on this reportand discuss itin terms of some of the cultural theory that we will read throughout the course on gender, race, ethnicity, globalization, language, conflict, religion, family and marriage, economics, etc. For instance, if you observed the Sunday crowd at the mall and noted many interactions between teenage girls and boys you might want to write an ethnography on gender interactions in our society.
The topic you describe can be very general as you might change it later, however, itwill emerge from your dataand is the reason why I want you to begin thinking about this argument Rubric:When evaluating your report, I will give 10points for including each of the three data categoriesfor field notesin the report: social groups, kinesics, and reflexivity (10 x 3 = 30 points).
I will then give you 10 points for addressing each of the three descriptive categories: systematic, chronological, and noting the unexpected (10 x 3 = 30 points). I will award 10 pointsfor your report conclusion on your Ethnography Paper topic.
Finally, I will award the last 10 pointsfor mechanics and writing (following the instructions and proofreading so your work has no grammar or spelling mistakes).
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