ECE 341 Social & Emotional Growth of Infants & Toddlers

ECE 341 Social & Emotional Growth of Infants & Toddlers

Social-emotional development including the management of emotions and the ability to establish positive relationships with others will be covered in this course. Students will learn the important elements in a childcare setting that support healthy social, emotional, and behavioral adjustment in infants and toddlers.

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ECE 343 Quality Care Environments for Infants & Toddlers

Students will learn both theory and application of why and how to set up, arrange and change early childhood learning environments to effectively meet the developmental needs of very young children. The role of the teacher, the importance of the environment, design principles, health and safety will be covered in this course.

ECE 345 Infant & Toddler Learning & Development

Emphasis will be placed on effective activities and practices to promote language development, cognitive development and motor skill development in young children. Sensory, music and movement development will also be covered in this course. Appropriate behavior teaching and coaching for infants, toddlers and two year olds will be discussed.

ECE 347 Culture, Family & Childcare

This course will increase the students’ expertise and understanding of all the components that must work together to create an effective childcare setting in which all children can thrive. Elements to be covered in the planning of a childcare environment include discipline and behavior management as well as consideration of the child’s developmental level, the family and cultural context.

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