Critically evaluate three different methods for treating social phobia

Critically evaluate three different methods for treating social phobia

Topic: Critically evaluate three different methods for treating social phobia Length: 1400–1500 words Resources: Detailed below, all source readings for this assignment are located under Useful Links on the StudyDesk.

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A total of nine articles have been provided; however, you are to select seven of these articles to use in your essay, and you are not required to mention every detail in these seven articles. You may find that you will only want to make brief mention of some studies, while describing others in more detail.

However, be sure to cite at least five articles and cover three treatments. Psychology is defined as the study of mental processes and behaviour (Burton, Westen, & Kowalski, 2015).

Since psychology is a science, most of what we know about human behaviour and mental processes comes from carefully conducted research that has been published in refereed journals or books. (e.g., experiments and surveys).

In this assignment, you must critically evaluate three different methods for treating social phobia. To adequately address the topic of this essay you will need to review some literature on this topic, evaluate the effectiveness of different methods that have been used to treat social phobia, and draw some conclusions about the best or most promising methods.

Secondly, it is important for you to appreciate the structure of journal articles, going from more general ideas and theories to more specific ones, in a logical sequence.

This second assignment requires you to demonstrate problem solving and written communication skills by showing that you can carefully structure your essay so that you build a logical, well-balanced argument.

Finally, it is important for you to demonstrate academic and professional literacy skills by showing that you understand and can apply the precise style used in reporting psychological research. You must cite the source both where you quote directly from another author’s work, and where you paraphrase their findings, thoughts, or beliefs.

Background information Social phobia is a type of irrational fear marked by a specific dislike for and avoidance of social situations, particularly those in which focus may be centred on oneself (e.g., public speaking or other types of public performances; Burton, Westen, & Kowalski, 2015).

Although phobias related to snakes or spiders are fairly common, and mild in nature, social phobia can result in a significant impact on an individual’s life.

For example, severe forms of social phobia may result in avoidance of interaction with all others, resulting in isolation and chronic loneliness (e.g., Kessler, Stein, & Berglund, 1998 as cited in Burton et al., 2015).

In order to adequately address this topic you will need to review some recent literature on social phobia, evaluate the effectiveness of different methods that have been used to treat this condition, and draw some conclusions about the best or most promising methods.

A number of treatment approaches are available for social phobia, including cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), interpersonal therapy, medication and other therapies.

In this essay you must critically evaluate three different methods for treating people with social phobia. Note: All the literature that you need to consult and critique for your essay has been provided as readings You are to use those readings and any information about social phobia that is in your textbook (Burton, et al) Essay Readings Reading number Title Citation Permalink Behaviour Modification Dalrymple, K. L., & Herbert, J. D. (2007). Acceptance and commitment therapy for generalized social anxiety disorder: a pilot study, Behaviour Modification, 31, 543-568. Retr

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