Compare and Contrast US Healthcare Policy

Compare and Contrast US Healthcare Policy

US Healthcare Policy Review the health policies of each of the following countries. Then, choose a country from the following list to compare and contrast with the current U.S. healthcare system:

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  • China
  • England
  • Germany
  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Japan

Once you have thoroughly analyzed the health policy information for your chosen country, answer the following questions:

  • What is the main focus of the policy standard in this (chosen) country?
  • What are the similarities to the U.S. healthcare system?
  • Governance
  • Workforce
  • Leadership
  • Quality
  • How does the U.S. healthcare system differ in terms of policy?
  • Where do you foresee the U.S. healthcare system in the future (long-/short- term)? ( Review from one of the the following perspectives: the provider, the patient, or other stakeholders)
  • Summarize the meaning of universality in U.S. health policy versus your chosen country. (Include your research on the future of the U.S. healthcare system)

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